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I remember when I was a little girl and I started going through puberty. My skin started changing and so did my body. I hated getting pimples because they were annoying and also my older sister always wanted to pop them. I remember every time she would squeeze them I would say, “stop that hurts.”

As I got older they got better. Don’t get me wrong I have always had a pimple pop up here or there through out the years. However, they were not a big a noticeable as they were when I was a kid.

One of things that that paper said might happen when I started taking testosterone was skin changes. I figures it would be pimples, which I was okay with. However, now that I have started getting pimples. I’m not sure if I’m okay with it. I kinda feel like that awkward kid going through puberty all over again.

When I was that little girl going through those changes I grew 5 inches over the summer and I was figuring out how to work with this new height. I also developed a hereditary skin disease from my mother‘s side of the family. This skin disease made me allergic to the sun. I will never forget when I started having to swim with t-shirts on. My sisters would go layout in the sun and get so tan. I was so jealous.

Looking back at all that makes be realize I made it through everything just fine. In fact some of that stuff probably made me stronger and made me who I am today. Therefore, I am sure I will make it through these growing pains and come out stronger and better in the long run.

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Yep, you CAN DO, Mer!!

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