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I would have never thought in a million years that I would have to come out again. This really scared me. However I knew I had to do it. So on October 11, 2018 I wrote this on National Coming Out Day.

Today is National Coming Out Day. I came out to my mom in my early 20’s in a moment of aggravation, which wasn’t good fro her or me. However, over the years my mom, dad and the rest of my family and friends have been amazing.

Since then I have gotten married to the most wonderful women in the world. She has made me so comfortable in my own skin and helped me to express feelings I had. I have told many of my family and friends that I am non-binary. For those of you that don’t know what that is, it means you don’t identify with one gender. I myself don’t identify with any gender. When people feel this way they use different pronouns than he/she. I use my own name. For example a sentence would look like this. “When Meredith is happy Meredith smiles from ear to ear.”

I wrote this a month before we would go home for my dad’s 70th birthday. I wasn’t sure if they totally understood. However, my mom’s comment on the post was, “Love you, Meredith is Meredith.” I was hoping she got it and when the time came to explain in person it would me a lot easier that when I came out to her as being gay. At least the post opened the door for some kind of conversation. So I would just have to wait and see how my family and friends would act there.

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Giving a kind of heads-up in writing can really help with the face-to-face. Glad Mom gave you a hint, at least, that she would be supportive. Looking forward to the next piece of the story!

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