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I wanna start by saying I’m sorry that this is a day late. I was gonna blog about how non-binary people are become more visual on TV. However, things happened this week and affected me in a huge way.

I know that I have been writing about my life in a binary world, but this week people that were a major part of making me the caring and out going person that I am are sick with covid or have recovered from covid.

One of these people is a coach that helped me go to college and made me believe that I could do anything I put my mind to. He challenged me in everything I did. I don‘t think I would have continued running track and field if it wasn’t for him and my other track coaches. I remember when I started running I was a small 7th grader, running against people that were in high school. I wasn‘t fast and would get lapped several times during the 2 mile. Him and the others always told me I could do it and when I was in high school I wouldn’t get beat I would be running with the high schoolers. This did happen and I got into college with a cross country scholarship.

At times I wonder what he and those that were instrumental in my life would thing about my gender identity. These people all live and grew up in my home town where LGBTQ issues are really hush hush. They probably still have no idea what non-binary is. I do know that they are aware that I am married to my wife, because some of them have met her. They didn’t seem to think any less of me because of this. I feel that they still would be proud of the person I have grown into. They also would be proud that I started this blog, because I decide to not be afraid to share my story and teach people about non-binary issues.

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God bless your coach and others who have been a part of your blossoming, Meredith, especially those fighting covid-19.

And my younger offspring and I had a good conversation last week using your blog about nonbinary and agender as a jumping off point. Thank you!

They are feeling a little more inspired to share their blog about their nonbinary journey too, having seen that you're doing it :). The more first-person stories going out there, the more people will learn about gender identity and how personal each journey is, and hopefully come to embrace all the diversity instead of judging or categorizing.

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