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I took an eight month break from writing for many reason, but I’m happy to say I figured out something to write about. As all of you know I started taking testosterone one year and four months ago. Since then I have gone through several changes then I’m finally getting used to. I was struggling with my voice the most.

I have been asked several times the last 4 months if I had a cold. The first time someone asked me I said, “No. This is my voice.” That didn’t go to well because that person asked me if I was taking testosterone. This was a surprise to me since I had already told this person I was. In face this was one of the first people I told.

After this experience I started worrying that other changes that I was told would happen might become very noticeable. However it still isn’t as bad as when I had periods. I don’t feel like I don’t align with my gender identity at all.

So back to when people ask me if I have a cold now. When people ask me now my answ is just no. That doesn’t give them the opportunity to ask any other questions. This has truly helped me with the changes in my voice that have been very slow over time.

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I wanna start this blog out by apologizing to all my readers. I have not written a blog since March 26, because after I came home from...

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My adult kid's voice has also changed due to testosterone, and when I first heard their voice (it's been five months since I last did) I also thought perhaps it was due to a cold or to fatigue over the many health issues they deal with. This is in fact very much how they would sound with a cold or when exhausted, when the vocal cords were tired or slower or whatever makes it similar to how they've changed due to hormones. "Nope, this is my voice now," they said with delight.

Please don't be offended if others ask because they notice! Please don't be offended if others forget that you've started this long, slow journey with T. If they'…

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