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Last week I talked about about the roller coaster week I had. This week was kinda filled with the same kind of stuff. I have spent every day have conversations with my sisters in South Carolina about my mom. Each day see keeps improving. She is off the ventilator and hopefully I will get to FaceTime her sometime soon.

The hard thing is each day I have to hear them use she for my gender pronoun. It rubs the wrong way, but this isn’t the time to take care of that. The one good thing that has come out of this is that I have gotten to talk to my family in South Carolina on the phone at all the same time. I really have missed them. Because of Covid I haven’t been able to go home for 2 years now. We had planned on visiting my family June for my sister’s 50th birthday. Jenn and I have gone home every year during the month of February for my mom’s birthday and we couldn’t do that this year. I really don’t know if we will make it to Sumter this year, because when October hits Jennifer can’t ask off from work since her work has a black out period during the holidays. The fact that my older sister called to talk to me about the non-binary student and acknowledged that I am non-binary means that sooner or later I will be able to correct her on my gender pronoun and get her help with my other sister. I know that my parents will really struggle and I don’t want to create anymore animosity between us. With the experience I have had with my mom getting sick and the fear that I might loose her has made me realize that right now in this point of my life family is more important to me than having them use the right gender pronoun. I am not saying that I am going to give up on them but I will just have to take even smaller baby steps than I have been doing. I am gonna have to just rely on Jennifer for this one, because when we go home and she uses my right gender pronoun they might ask questions and my sisters might catch on.

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❤️ Glad you know you have that entryway with your older sister to help make this happen in your family. Maybe you can even way to them as you have here, that family matters most -- but that does not negate your need for your correct pronoun. Maybe they too will bear in mind that loving and valuing family dearly includes that kind of listening and respect.

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