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Holy Covenant is the church that Jenn and I went to when we lived in Charlotte, NC. This was the first church that made me feel comfortable about being gay. I wasn’t worried about about them not accepting me for being non-binary, but i didn‘t exactly know what their reaction would be. This church Is a lot like Open Table UCC, where Jenn and I go to church now. They stand up for the LGBTQ+ community.

We got to church a little before the service started so we didn’t have the opportunity to talk to people until after the service was over. I wore my bowtie like I had been don’t at my church in Ottawa, IL. The first person we talked to was Donna. She referred to me using the wrong pronoun, which she wouldn’t have know unless she read my Facebook post ahead of time. When this happened Jenn explained my gender identity and my pronouns. As soon as Jenn told her she told us about a song that was written by Judah, one of their members. The sone is titled “Hey God, What Are Your Pronouns?” (The link to the song is below) While we were talking, another friend, Kristin came up and joined in the conversation. She is very important to Jenn and me because she was the only person from Holy Covenant that came to our wedding, besides my best man. When Kristin heard what we were talking about, she told us how they were learning about the importance of pronouns at Holy Covenant. This all made me feel so welcome and accepted. I knew this church was amazing, but this experience validated that to me even more.

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2 comentários

Meredith MO
Meredith MO
15 de out. de 2020

I love this song. Judah is an amazing creative musician.


28 de set. de 2020

Not that I'm partial or anything, but this is one of the best ones yet, Meredith! Thank you for showing us a church that's learning (it's not just OTUCC that's trying, despite our fails) and loves. And thanks for including Judah's song -- powerful, but with humor too :)

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