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So after not getting much sleep, because of the feelings I was having, I went to talk to my pastor the next day. She told me about a friend that felt more comfortable in “male” clothes. However, at that time she was unsure of what pronouns they used. She said, she would find out. Later that day, she informed me that her friend used they/them pronouns.

I also met with Nancy in person, later in the week. They told me i wasn’t the first person they knew that used their name as their pronoun. Their was another YouthOutlook that used their name. She started explaining to me how this person introduced this person’s self. Nancy said, “the name followed by, I don’t use pronouns use my name.” This was a huge help.

Writing this I realized that knowing someone uses a name in place of pronouns is hard to write a if you have forgotten that person’s name. However, I was able to do so. So it is possible for people to use proper non-binary pronouns if they are mindful. However, it takes time and practice for people to get it. I suggest to not be afraid to correct people nicely, when they make a mistake. Also if someone is unaware of what non-binary pronoun to use try your best to provide them with examples.

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