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The night that I told my wife, I stayed up until 2am trying to find a pronoun that felt comfortable. I got on Google and started searching. I typed gender neutral pronouns and came across two different sites. ( and However, neither of them mentioned using your own name as a pronoun. I tried saying the phrase, “hi, my name is Meredith and my pronouns are ___________,” With all. The different examples, but none of them felt right. So then my next search was, do people use their name as their pronoun? I had no luck. So what was I to do now. I still wanted to use my name and I wanted to know if I could. I would have to wait to get the answer. I knew who to ask. I waited until the next day to send a text to Nancy. They were the director of YouthOutlook and I knew she would have the answers, because he used pronouns interchangeably. I also sent my pastor a text too, because for some reason I was having conflict with what the Bible said about people like me. I knew that my church family would be okay with this, but for some strange reason i was worried about what God would think. I had to wait to hear from these people to respond. Thank goodness for Jennifer, my wife, because she kept saying it is gonna be okay.

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