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Updated: Jun 30, 2020

I discovered late in life that the world is not binary. This happened when I decided to go to a training for YouthOutlook, an LGBTQ youth group we where starting in my church. I was 44, which was 3 years ago. I will never forget the awkward moment when I figured it out. At this training was the first time I ever had to introduce myself followed by what pronouns I used. So I spent three Saturdays introducing myself. Hi, my name is Meredith and I use she/her/herself pronouns. Each Saturday I became more and more uncomfortable. Why you ask. Those are “normal pronouns”. Yeah they are for a “binary world”. But not all of us that don’ fit in this binary box. In that training I discovered I didn’t fit in this box. #YouthOutlook #nonbinary #lgbtq #OpenTableUCC

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