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My life was really hectic last week. I got so busy I forgot all about my blog. How in the world did the week go by and I totally forgot to publish last Saturday. I will save that blog for another day.

This week I wanted to publish something in regards to Mother‘s Day, because I’m sure that there are those of you out there that think “what do non-binary people do with days like Mother’s and Father’s Day.” I’m not a parent so I couldn’t tell you what I would do in this situation, since I came out later in life. Would I still let my child call me mom or dad? I do allow my wife to call me a cat mama. It hasn’t bothered me, because we don‘t call me this out in public so I don‘t have to worry about others calling me a cat mom.

A funny thing did happen though, my sister in law called me a cat mom this morning wishing me a happy mother‘s day. I corrected her right away. So I figure that when my wife calls me certain things it doesn’t bother me as much, because I know she is doing it out of love. I’m not quite sure why I don‘t feel this way about others. I guess it is out of fear that if I let them call me mom, sister, or wife that they might feel it is ok for them to call me she/her.

I do wanna let you know there is a national parent‘s day if you have a non-binary person in you life that happens to be a parent. That day would to be the fourth Sunday in July. In 1994 President Bill Clinton signed into law a resolution adopted by US Congress to establish this day. Even though this day was established out of the fact that he felt there was a void in honoring the fact that it takes both parents to raise a child, I feel this day could also be used as a good day to recognize though of us that don‘t identity themselves with a gender. I realize that this day wasn’t intended for this originally, but who says we as people have to use days the way they were intended to be used in the past, time are a changing.

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1 Comment

Meredith, I did not know about National Parents Day. Interesting that Clinton signed this, being raised by a single mom. It's taken me over a decade to get used to Dee sharing in Mothers Day, and I miss having a separate celebration day for each of us. Now maybe we'll celebrate National Parents Day as parents, and when Avery becomes a parent, celebrate them that day too.

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