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I saw this restroom sign at my doctor’s off the other day. I see them every now and then or a similar sign that lets you know it’s for all genders. Lately I have started weird feelings when going to the restrooms in public places. I have started questioning myself.

Wondering if when I start to look more masculine since I’m on testosterone should I start using the restroom labeled “men”. Does it matter? Will places ever have an all gender restroom available? There has been a lot of issues around transgender people and bathrooms for some time. Especially in schools. I never thought this would become an issue for me. But every time I see an all gender restroom I get excited and start thinking about this stuff.

We are on vacation know and have been stopping quite a bit to use the restroom. Each time we stop there are no all gender restrooms. The only time we saw this is when we stopped and the place only has one restroom. There was one time during the trip that a ”man“ came out of the “female” restroom because the “men’s“ restroom was occupied. When I saw this I said, “ see it really doesn’t matter if the restroom is labeled and it is a one stall, because you can use the first available.” Sooner or later maybe all single stall restrooms will just be labeled “restroom“.

This makes more since. With all these thoughts and this being said I will have to wait and see how I feel in regards to which bathroom to use. Should I use the “men’s“ because I look more masculine or should I use the “women’s” because that’s what I have used my entire life. I wish restrooms would become all gender so I didn’t have to contemplate this.

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In Europe this just isn't an issue. Americans, for all their claim of individuality and freedom, have a strong conservative overlay in social norms. When you gotta pee, you gotta pee. How long did it take us to realize that skin color makes no difference to a human bladder? Now we need to realize that gender makes no difference to a full bladder either!

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