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Well this week has been full of ups and downs. It started out with my family going to family counseling. During that we were about to talk about my pronoun and the therapist went right you using my gender pronoun, it was really good.

That same day I got a phone call from my older sister. She had a story to tell me about something she experienced at her job. My older sister is a school psychologist in a small town in Sumter, SC. She had a meeting with a child that was entering the adult education program, because they were having difficulty with regular school. My sister explained that one of her coworkers approached her right before the meeting to tell her that they were ready for the meeting. My sister said yeah I know they are. However, that coworker then said no they is their pronoun. My sister was so proud of herself, because she was able to shift right away to using this child’s gender pronouns. She also said that she told them about me. I said, “did you tell them you have a sister or a sibling that is non-binary.” She said, “no I said sister.“ I could hear the disappointment in her voice. But this phone call gave me hope that things are getting better for kids like me, because my sister is more informed by having me as her sibling.

She also talked about how the parent felt at ease, because my sister could relate. Also the other person in the meeting was able to relate, because they were gay. This gave the parent hope that her child would finally be in a welcoming place.

My week ended on a really low, because I found out that my mom is in the hospital with Covid on a ventilator fighting for her life, Also, my dad is at home alone with Covid. Glad that he does not have symptoms. I am asking everyone that reads this blog to pray for them and also pray that things keep getting better for people like me in the small town I grew up in.

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I bet your sister refers to you as "sibling" next time your sister gets to refer to you in the professional setting. Good work; coming along.

Holding your mother, father, you and whole family (Ottawa as well as SC) in prayer!

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