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I wanna start this blog out by apologizing to all my readers. I have not written a blog since March 26, because after I came home from vacation a lot happened. First I had to process my entire visit with my parents and family. Second my wife was terminated from her job that she has worked for the last 14 years. Because of this I have been trying to figure out insurance stuff. I know I have told you in several blogs about some of my medical history and regards to seizures and lupus. because of these two illnesses I’m on disability. However instead of doing Medicare I was on my wife’s insurance at her work. Therefore there were some details that I needed to take care of so that I could fix my medical insurance. Ok, enough excuses. During my vacation home, my father asked me a question in regards to how I felt about the “male athlete that was competing as a woman”. I responded “do you mean the transgender athlete“. You can just imagine where the conversation went from there. He wanted to know if I felt it was right about the fact had he had competed as a male collegiate athlete and now they are competing as a female athlete and breaking records.

I honestly didn’t answer his question. I gave him my option on the whole idea of people being able to complete as the gender identity. Which was kinda of funny because I touched on this subject in a blog that I wrote in March of last year, before I even started taking testosterone myself. I started out by asking him, “Where does the non-binary athlete fit into this conversation.” The reason I asked him that was cause I was wanting him to see the world through my eyes. Of course he didn’t have an answer that made any since. He wanted to create 5 different categories. 1. Women

2. Men

3. Transgender Women

4. Transgender Men

5. Non-binary people

I wanted to respond are you serious there are not that many transgender athletes to even field a team. However, I said well if you wanna make things level and fair why not put people on teams based on their hormone levels. This would take a lot of work. But it would solve all the people complaining that it isn’t fair. There have been studies done that show that elite women athletes have higher testosterone. I would almost make a bet that men that aren’t the fastest or strongest do not have as much testosterone compared to the elite male athletes.

Below is an article written about the swimmer my dad had asked me about.

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I took an eight month break from writing for many reason, but I’m happy to say I figured out something to write about. As all of you know...


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