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This is something I have always thought about. What defines me as a person? Is it my gender identity, my sexual orientations, my disability, my past. At this point in my life I would have to day all of these. When I was younger I might have said my athletic abilities.

I felt that my talents are what made me who I was, because that is how people would describe me. I was most athletic my middle and junior high school years. Even when I go back home to visit people identify me as the person (girl) who ran all the time. This made me wonder is that the only thing I was know for and what people felt defined me as an individual.

In college that went away. I became the person that had seizures and lost my scholarship because of that. This would haunt me for many years. I still bothers me and gives me a since of loose. I have greaved this lose for a long time. Over the last several years I have slowly gotten back that part of my life by figuring out ways that I can be able to run and be safe. I started walking with a helmet for my safety. This started giving me the confidence to slowly start back jogging.

Also in college I was that gay, who people would talk about behind my back. I hung out with a group that everyone whispered about, Most of us where gay and supported each other a lot. However, it was aggravating that this was what people associated all of us with. Most of us where also athletes so when you pasted people you could here them whisper, “there goes those gay athletes.“ So people associated me with the gay cross-country runner.

Since I have started identifying as agender I have realized that everything people have associated me with me in my life made me the person I am today. When I started identifying as non-binary I became more comfortable in my own skin. This gave me the confidence to put a helmet on my head and start exercising. It also made me not afraid to do this blog and talk about my past, present, and future which every that makes me who I am. My life experiences are what mold me into who I am not the things that people use to describe me.

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Excellent piece, Meredith; thank you for writing and sharing!

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